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Believe it or not People actually love to be censored, hard to believe isn't it, Well its actually true Take Quora for example that place actually censors more then The experience project ever did, and that is no easy task, But yet each day thousands of people fling to sites with insane amounts of of censorship, even when they are offer several times a site that has no where near the level of censorship they seem to avoid those sites like the plague why?

No matter how you choose to think about it, it makes no sense, why would anyone want be censored it simply makes no sense...

in Community by (3.8k points)
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1 Answer

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It is not the censorship that attracts users to Quora. It is its high index on search results for questions on google, which redirects people to Quora, makes it popular. Initially, a user joins to ask questions. Then, the user sees his home feed. After looking at certain answers with 30k views and 10k uovotes, the user starts fanticising to get the same results. Then, the user starts posting trending topics of the internet as answers. The user gets some success, but his answer gets reported by jealous people. Here, the censorship comes into the picture in the form of answer collapse and BNBR (be nice, be respectful policy of Quora). The user's ego gets hurt. In order to fight injustice and censorship, he writes more answers and the viscious cycle continues. Quora knows this human psychology and is trying to exploit it by giving intermittent fame and censorship to the user and keep him engaged on the site. Hope this answers the question.

by (5.6k points)