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in Community by (3.9k points)

1 Answer

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Parents kick their kids out to make them learn to live on their own and to prepare them for facing life. Parents cant guarantee you a job, a good boss, a faithful girlfriend or a loving wife. You need to go out and practice it to become perfect. They just wait for you to be legally adult so that you don't claim to be a minor and file a suit against them. Pets, on the otherhand don't have to earn their living. Instead, pets might get killed on the road due to traffic, predators or the weather. Hope this helps.

by (5.6k points)

Here is something to think about the next time you go by a grave yard and see thousands of graves, ask your self this not so simple question, How many of those people died due to the conditions and or circumstances of being kicked out by a sick law that gives parents the right to kick out their kids for nothing more then the bases of their age, The same can be said for homeless people.

Most people do not realize this, But that one simple law is one of the main roots of over population and all the problems that come with it, People bring children into this world
for nothing more then their sexual lust, Then kick them out cause they are 18, Then the process endlessly repeats its self over and over which leads to over population and all the problems that come with it, Laws are suppose to protect people not do them harm and that law has caused more people to die then all the wars combined a thousand times over...

I am sorry for I was not aware that such a law exists in the US. I come from India and there is no such law. Such law should be overturned as forceful implementation for even a good purpose is not desirable. However, I wrote this answer keeping in mind the Indian scenario, where the kids stay dependent on parents even till the age of 30 years. This makes them less bold to face the world. Situation is opposite here in India as then these kids kick out their parents to old age homes (like orphanages).
