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I use to think the experience project was bad when it came to censorship But in my opinion Quora has them beat of coarse The experience Project got disabled so you could no longer post, there lame excuse was they could not protect peoples privacy, But the one thing I will say for the site it had a hell of a lot of nice people there, But just like The experience Projects is censors fanatics the think they can control people and that everyone is all goody goody,People like that live in dream world.

But then again most people on the internet are to brain dead to realize they have been programmed to be mindless machines...

in Community by (3.9k points)

This does not answer the question about Quora.

Ummm you kinda lost me...

Actually, I was not aware that this wasn't an answer, but part of the question itself.

1 Answer

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I used Quora for four months. During this time period, I realised that many of my answers (150) got collapsed for poor firmating (short answers). There wasn't much to add to such answers, so I used to keep them short. Initially, I got furious and started writing hate answers about Quora. In this course, I got company of fellow haters. Later own I corrected my writing flaws. These fellow haters then started hating me and false reporting my answers. So the answer is that censorship is required in a justified manner. False reporting should not be entertained by Quora. Yes, Quora's sensorship has reached a mindless level, where any troll can report your answer.

by (5.6k points)

Hello Crbora24 and welcome to the site, Believe me I know what you are going through I can assure you that you will never go through that kinda of shit on this site, I want this to be a place where people can come and have fun...

Thank you so much admin. Please promote this site as we need more people here. I liked the positivity here.

I have been trying for a long time...
