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In my opinion Christmas creates more sadness then happiness, The happiness that is experience is just a illusion, Christmas is based on two simple principles greed and favoritism it causes noting but emotional pain for people through bad experiences that can follow them for the rest of their life I should know I am one of them, I use to love Christmas when I was little, But my family for ever ruined it for me...

in Community by (3.9k points)
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2 Answers

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Sometimes on christmas I call my robots candlesniffing fuckfences. This is not an illusion, so to me christmas is very worth it. I have a 300 IQ though, so you may not understand this, sorry.


If you truly had a 300 IQ, then you would be able to answer the unanswerable question...

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In my opinion, Christman was supposed to be a family gathering and a time off from work until the new year. It was also to motivate kids to be nice throughout the year for rewards. It lost its purpose, when kids started expecting too much and did not get what they wanted or did not consider it worth the effort of a whole year.

by (5.6k points)