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in Community by (3.8k points)

1 Answer

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Actually, the site had a vision to help people gain answers to their questions. They wanted to keep it decent. However, false reporting by trolls has led to the exploitation of their BNBR policy. Hence, it looks forced. The main reason is understaffed moderators. The site is run more by bots than merely a 20 something number of human moderators called user researchers.

by (5.6k points)

Well here is the problem with their policy in a nutshell, That type of policy will always be based on on key word and that key word is (opinion) For that is the bases of what all Good and Evil come down to, You see they believe that everyone is going to have their exact opinion of their definition of Right and wrong and That is never going to happen everyone has their own personal opinion and that is what they are going to go by until they chose to change it...
