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I saw many questions having downvotes and zero answers here on this site. Can anybody explain why?

in Seeking advice by (5.6k points)

1 Answer

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simple cause people have a very closed mind...

by (3.8k points)

Short answer, but precise. I find this site better than Quora.

Simple is always best, most the questions are what I have posted trying to get the place active and believe me I have tried, But a more detailed answer would be Most Human being are controlled by the herdatory instinct they always want to be around large groups of people, Most people when they come to this site and see no activity on it they move on, They do not understand that if each and everyone all way for everyone else to start posting the site will never become popular this is a problem many people running sites have, So if you want to have this site to become popular post on it on a regular bases and tell your friends about it ...
