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in Seeking advice by (5.6k points)

2 Answers

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Intelligent people usually have a logical view on any problem they face.

If someone's father has just died, in most cases, intelligent people deal with event logically, let's say for example he was sick before, he was diagnosed with a terminal disease, intellegent people in most cases has predicted his death before, thus, it wouldn't surprise them when it happens, and they think that their peer has the same feelings as well.

This is not scientifically proven, it's just an explanation I got from a friend of mine.**

by (1.1k points)
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Not all people think the same we all think differently...

Sure, I emphasized "in most cases" and wrote "usually" because people are different, and based on my observations, most intelligent people focus on logic and expect things when it has previous causes.

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Actually that is not true, I am very emphatic especially with animals and I have a High IQ...

by (3.9k points)