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I have notice that the majority of people running websites today seem to be very in experienced and severely lacking in the maturity department, Many of them seem to have a lot of issues, not only that but the websites and scripts are very difficult to use as it is impossible to find things any more its like going through a frigging maze...

in Community by (3.9k points)

1 Answer

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Yes, I agree. It is also due to their inability/resistance to learn.

by (5.6k points)

Hello, have not seen you in quite a while, many scientist actually believe that the human race may be devolving which may explain a lot...

Yes, I am sorry that I have been away for a long time.

I believe what you said and about the scientist's belief. We can see a lot of miscommunication/arguments happening on social media sites like Twitter and reddit. It clearly shows a downward trend in the overall intelligence of humans.
