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My girlfriend and I have been together for about a year now. We are long distance and I visit her about once a month. She struggles with depression and anxiety which she started taking medication for about halfway through our relationship. A lot of our arguments we have are about my girlfriend’s insecurities, she often accuses me of cheating or gets jealous easily. I understand it’s not easy for her because of her mental illness so I try to be as reassuring as possible. Sometimes this isn’t enough and I still feel guilty for making her feel insecure or hurt even though I’ve never cheated or been unfaithful in any way. Yesterday, I followed a girl with a large following on Twitter (I don’t normally do this but I thought her tweets were funny). I referenced a tweet I thought was funny to her and she asked who tweeted it, I quickly said it was from a different twitter user who we both know. It felt wrong to lie but I knew she would have felt really insecure and jealous because I followed a girl on Twitter that I didn’t know. She found out I lied and continued to call me trash and kept sending me selfies she’s posted in the past even after I asked her to stop. I explained that I made a mistake and that I shouldn’t have lied but that I wanted to work through it and talk about it. She closed herself off completely and didn’t text me for the rest of the night. The next morning I texted her and she said she didn’t want to talk to me because she has nothing to say to me. I keep trying to text and call her but she doesn’t want to, she keeps repeating that there’s nothing to say and that I’m trash. She’s never reacted like this before but I don’t think closing ourselves off is the right way to go about this, I feel like it’s hurting us even further. It feels like she’s cutting me off for good but I don’t feel like this is a reaction I deserve, I’ve never been unfaithful, I don’t flirt with other girls, I don’t like or follow other girls on social media besides my friends, I do admit that I shouldn’t have lied about who made the tweet I referred to yesterday. I’m wondering if she’s being abuse or manipulative by making me guilty so often about things I don’t do and projecting her insecurities onto me and this is just her way of keeping control over me or if I truly deserve to be broken up with because I lied regardless of the intention and irreparably damaged our trust.

in Seeking advice by (120 points)

1 Answer

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Let it be a hard lesson never show interest in other girls when dating, some girls will actually test you by having there other female friends try to hit on you to see how faithful you are, But also remember that little game they play can just as easy be reversed on them also...

by (3.9k points)