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if you were to go out any buy yourself a brand new car tomorrow and drive that car around for a period of five years, Would that make you the person driving the car 5 years old?
Now Lets compare that to a soul that is thousands of years old choosing to be reincarnated in this world, They go get their self's a brand new body so they can have means of transportation in this world The body is the same thing as your new car, Now here is a very simple question, When that physical body reaches 5 years old does that make the soul driving that body 5 years old...

in Community by (3.9k points)

3 Answers

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Genius just pure Genius, Truer words were never spoken.

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Age is important in this world of humankind, where, specifically, do you think that the 'Wisdom of Age' comes from. But you wouldn't know it from listening to the younger generation. I was a participant in a younger generation, and I certainly didn't listen to the wisdom of my 'elders', either. And now that I am older, I am making amends for all the screwing-up I did while not listening to my 'elders'. That is how I know.

by (650 points)
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First of all, I think the car example is completely irrelevant. the way you treat your body is nothing compared to a car.

I'll explain how the human body's different than a car, or any other possession.

when years pass, the human body is either growing and building up (from 0yr to ~40). on the other hand, a car just gets old when years pass by. you can in any year fill your car with gas, but you can't in any year smoke (the effects will differ by age, children are sure affected more by smoking than adults). That's one way to put it, and there are many other differences that make the difference between human race and "a car" obvious

in regards to your post, I respectfully disagree.

Age doesn't matter in conversations because when you're having a conversation with someone, you're not talking to the body you're talking to the mind, you're talking to one's beliefs and knowledge, and beliefs change by time and experience, thus, in a conversation, what matters is the time that someone has spent experiencing in the conversation topic, not the age of the person.

Age still matters! Yes, it doesn't matter in conversations, but imagine a 5-year-old making love to a 35-year-old. This is unacceptable under any circumstances. despite the ethical barriers, the 5-year-old body and organs are not prepared for this action. I mentioned before that the human body develops as years pass by, in this case, age matters in any activity that depends on the age of who does it.

by (1.1k points)

The car example has nothing to do with how someone treats their own body, This is about people discriminating against the soul that inhabits the body, Based on their perception on how old the soul that inhabits that body based on the appearance of the age of the body , How old someones body is has absolutely nothing to do with how old the soul that inhabits the body.

and no age does not matter even with the example you gave you say it is unacceptable just what exactly makes it unacceptable, Try reading your bible and God told Adam and Eve Be fruitful and multiply. in not one dam place in the bible did he say a dam thing about how old they had to be to have sex...

and no I personally do not agree that a Five year should be getting their self pregnant but they have done so, India has many cases where Five year old girls have gotten their self pregnant and suffer no harm.

Here is what it comes down to in a nutshell Its their body they should have the right to do with their body as they dam well please They are the ones that should have the right to make that choice and they are the ones that have to live with the repercussions of that choice of that same as anyone else does...

"India has many cases where Five year old girls have gotten their self pregnant and suffer no harm"

Impossible, define "many" and please provide me with sources for this.

You've mentioned the Bible and Adam and Eve. I think it's better if we don't discuss this, our religious view is different, I'm atheist and you're Christian. and I don't think I'm qualified to argue with someone about their religious beliefs, but;

"...They are the ones that should have the right to make that choice and they are the ones that have to live with the repercussions of that choice..."

That's preposterous, how would you expect a 5-year-old to make a decision that can affect them their whole life; it's like saying "it's okay to put a child on the cliff of the mountain because if they fell, that's their decision".

Well first of all I am not a christian, I am Eclectic not christian, As for Proving it just go on youtube or search Young mothers or worlds youngest mothers, and no nothing is impossible that is just your mind set which seems to be very closed and narrow...

It's doesn't matter what your religion is as long as you believe in souls and I don't. I searched for "worlds youngest mothers", from a wiki page from a list of 100 cases, India has had only 2, while the US has had 28.

and what's preposterous isn't that a 5-year-old child can make a choice that affects them, it's that you think it's morally OKAY to allow them to. It's also not right to assume that I'm close-minded just because I disagree with you.

Well I see no point in carrying on this conversation with someone who believes that society actually has the legal right to tell people what they may or may not do with their own physical body based on nothing more then the age of their body despite my best attempts educate them, people like that cant think outside of the group minded programming perhaps someday they will awaken But I will leave you with this one thought How come it is ok for 5 year old children to go to jail cause in the eyes of the laws they are consider mature enough to know right from wrong But yet they are not mature enough to consent to sex or any other ault related activity if they are going to be treated as adults then should they not have they same basic rights as a adult...
