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My Name is Ashley, I have been having problems with guys for many years, and it is always the same, it starts out ok then it just gets weird the next thing i know iam dumped, what am I doing wrong Iam so depressed and I really need some advice

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1 Answer

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Hello, Ashley, Well Ashley that is not a easy question to answer But I will try, Nearly all Guys rather they realize it or not all have very deep dark and erotic fantasy's, Some which are very very personal to them,and many guys all want to find a compatible girl to act out those fantasy's with, The problem is, They have absolutely no clue how that person will react to such a thing, So in my opinion what they do is hint around and ask some silly question to judge what type of response they get, if they get a compatible response they may proceed from there, But if they get a negative response it is like slamming a door in their face,another things many girls do is not respect a guys privacy, For example a Girl will go bragging to her girl friends something like oh you would not believe what Johnny wanted me do in the bed last night then she tells them and word gets around and reaches his ears, Now try putting your self in his place, So what you need to do is learn to listen to Guys needs and clues he is trying throw at you, That does not mean you have to do anything that is dangerous to you but try to be more sympathetic to their needs...

by (3.9k points)
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I read your reply last night, Methen, I have been sitting back thinking about what you have said, and I realize now that you are correct, I as well as many of my other girl friends have done just the type of things you talked about, From now on I will try to be more open minded, and listen to the clues, Thank you for waking me up Methen I really appreciate it.
