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I have been thinking about getting one and I want to know it they actually work and what to expect?

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1 Answer

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Hi Lilly, I use to play with a Ouija board a long time ago and the answer is yes they really do work, and yes there are times you get something bad coming through, Ouija is not something for people with weak minds to be fooling around with before you even consider playing with one I suggest getting into meditation and strengthening your will, That is why many people get into a lot of trouble cause they do not have the mental discipline for it...

by (3.9k points)

The will does not require strengthening. It is entirely strong enough when it is being utilized regularly. What needs strengthening is the resolve to utilize your free will capabilities to choose to make decisions with more positive anticipated outcomes.

You are correct regarding mental discipline. Mental discipline is strengthened by the regular utilization of the 'genius, and more', capabilities of the intelligence one received at the moment of his or her creation.

You are entirely incorrect regarding Ouija boards. They are precisely what is chosen to be used by weak minds. hehehehehehe, I have one here on my desk as we speak, so to speak.
