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This seems to be a nice enough questions site, I see the owner has asked a lot of questions here and a few random questions from different people, I think the owner needs to do some more advertising

in Community by

Hi, Janet, welcome to the questionsrus, Janet I do not know why people want to come here I really do not I have telling people about this site for a long time, My guess is people come here and see that there is little to no activity and leave, This is a mistake a great many people make
what they fail to realize is that by not contributing to the site they are just as much the blame for the site not being active as all the other people who have came here...

1 Answer

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Possibly because they can't think of the answers which wouldn't allow others to view them as 'less-than-stellar intellects?

by (650 points)

I have been trying to figure that out myself...

This consumerist culture is fixated on the dumbing-down of humanity, and it seems to be working. Everyone, seemingly, is so afraid of less-than-stellar usage of their 'genius, and more', capable intelligence that that is becoming the daily eventuality. I am personally bucking the trend whenever I can, but the deluge of the insidious effects of cultural stupidity is like a karmic intrusion into my attempts. Who knew karma worked that way, certainly not yours truly.
