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2 Answers

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That big moment is yet to arrive in my life.

by (5.6k points)
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Well, that moment didn't make a huge life change, but it certainly made my life better. it was on my graduation day. Like any other graduation day, people took pictures and shared it on the social media app they use.

Once I saw those pictures, I was shocked; I had never noticed how fat I was until that day. I honestly was disgusted by myself, I had never been bullied for being fat, people had always told me something like (you'd be some handsome if you lost some weight), but that's it, no one had ever mentioned that I was tremendously fat. (Thank them I guess, I would have been devastated if someone just tells me "Hey, you're so fat it makes you ugly.")

At that moment, I knew that I had to work on myself, I started doing sports, I made a strict diet, and I've managed to lose ~130lbs (from 320 to 185±3). So, as I said, it didn't change my life, but I'm now a healthier and a fitter person, and every moment of working and exhaustion was worth it.

by (1.1k points)

Nicely expressed. Yes, that ''Physical Health'' Big Moment is very important, and yet, it is only a third of the way toward personal equanimity. Well, half the way, anyway.

The big three, as I see them, is Intellectual Understanding, Physical Understanding (of which you wrote), and Emotional Understanding.

But, I'm beginning to think that if you endeavor to recreate the first two understandings into your life, the emotional understanding, and thus individual equanimity, will fall into place organically, naturally.

So, my next two questions to you are;
Have you had, or are you actively seeking, a Big Intellectual Understanding Moment?
If you are not, why not?

p.s. I'm still dealing with the weight issue, with somewhat limited success, precisely because I neglected my intellectual issues for many years.
